Friday, August 30, 2013

He's Not and Neither Am I

Soooo funny! 

I have never and would never ask such a question (even when I was thin).  John would never think to answer such a question unless with an extremely complimentary answer.

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Lest We Forget

I know just how they feel.  Every once in a while (maybe more than that), I forget the word for something or what I was just doing or where I put something.  It had begun to worry me until I saw my doctor for my annual physical.  Apparently, when you are older, your brain is storing so much information that it takes a little time, sometimes, to retrieve information.  As long as I actually do remember (which I do) it's perfectly normal.  Whew!

Cartoon provided by:  Reader's Digest

Friday, August 23, 2013

The New Sexy? Not!

Laughed so hard when I first saw this.  What a hoot!  Hope you are laughing too.

Have a truly wonderful weekend.

Cartoon provided by:  Reader's Digest

Monday, August 19, 2013

Final Phase - Annual Physical

So all my lab work is back and, according to my doctor, all is stable.  That's good to know.  Last item left to do this morning:  Mammogram.  No anticipating any issues there.

Hope you all had a great weekend.  We had a busy Saturday:  nice lunch out together, bought paint to complete our Master Bath Reno, groceries.  May not sound like much to you all but it was a lot for me.  Felt good almost the whole day.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Bathing Suit? NO!!!

No one, and I mean no one, will ever see me in a bathing suit again.  It may not be quite as bad as this cartoon but, believe me, it is not far off.  There are wonderful things about having big boobs and then there are the bad things (gravity being the worst). Ah, to have my bikini days back - just reminiscing.

Hope you all have a terrific, fun weekend!

Cartoon provided by:  Reader's Digest

Monday, August 12, 2013

Bathroom Remodel - In Progress

We have a master bath remodel ongoing - 11 days and counting.  Just a bit left and we're done.  Normally we would not spend this kind of money but I was at the point where I could not take a shower very often; I had to step over a 14" high by 5" wide lip of our garden tub in order to take a shower.  Due to my two kinds of vertigo, it was becoming very difficult as well as dangerous ( I have almost fallen several times).  So, we now have a walk-in shower with a 4" by 4" step over.  The floor has also been replaced with tile that matches the shower as the flooring was stained from previous (former owners) leaking as well as a tear (from my vanity chair).  The large window in the shower was removed due to evidence of leaking.  Our contractor found mold all down that wall and around each corner.  Everything was replaced, a small sliding window was added above where water cannot get to it from the shower.  We are also painting all the wood: cabinet, medicine chest, and frame around mirror and have added a new counter and sink.  We will also be painting the room itself.  When it is all complete I will post the before and after photos.  Can hardly wait.  The shower is absolutely gorgeous.  It is costing us about half of what it would normally cost as our contractor is the same person who does all our work around here and has done so since we moved here 6.5 years ago.

****Annual Physical went very well.  Have kept off 21 pounds, blood pressure is excellent - working on more.  Awaiting blood test results.****

Friday, August 9, 2013

Annual Physical Today

Off to doctor this early a.m. for annual physical.  Don't anticipate any issues, other than the usual stuff I have.  Have lost and kept off a little weight but had lost more and gained some of it back so...he will be happy and unhappy with me (as I am).

Have a great weekend!

Cartoon provided by:  Reader's Digest

Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend With Misha and Marcelle

We had a wonderful, fun long weekend with our precious Misha and Marcelle.  Fun cooking/juicing/play with little Marcelle.  They made friends with our little Thumper puppy too.  Celebrated Marcelle's fourth birthday as well...Princess stuff everywhere!!!  Marcelle also made friends with the children next door:  Ian, Eli, and Ava -- playtime fun! We will miss them terribly when they leave this afternoon