Monday, October 28, 2013

Uh, Bad Planning?

Some of us never get it together - all the time.  Some of us never get it together - most of the time.  Some of of us never get it together - some of the time.  This guy doesn't even know he never gets it together; at least I'm not that bad.

Hope you have a really great weekend!

Cartoon provided by:  Reader's Digest

Hallowe'en Is Almost Here!

Keep your eyes open on Thursday evening for all those witches and goblins.  Hope all the children have a fun, safe time.  Always had fun on Hallowe'en when I was a kid.  Oh that candy!

Cartoon provided by:  Reader's Digest

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sick Car

John is now in the process of putting back together the front end of his car.  It is almost finished so I should have my car back next weekend or before should he have time to finish it before work one morning.

Other than that, the weather is gorgeous:  high 60's to low 70's and sunny - lovely Autumn weather in the Enchanted State.

Friday, October 18, 2013


This last few months, and weeks in particular, have felt like the above cartoon; waiting for the big hit.  Our government is back on track --- well, as much as they are able, anyway.  The collateral damage they caused is painful to consider --- they obviously considered nothing but themselves  ***BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE - BOTH HOUSES***.  I will vote out anyone who was involved in my state - the whole bunch should go!!!

Cartoon provided by:  Reader's Digest

Monday, October 14, 2013

Largest Ballon Event In The World

Sadly, John was unable to attend the 2013 Balloon Fiesta last week as his car died on the Thursday before and he spent his entire week of vacation tearing apart the front end.  It is still apart and, hopefully, he will be able to get it back together this weekend (or the following at the latest).  In the meantime, he is using my car to go to work.

The photos above are from a local television station.  The top two are of the mass ascension which occurs each morning.  The third is the hummingbird (new this year), fourth is the Creamland Cow, and finally the Angry Bird (also new this year).  This is the largest balloon fiesta in the world; over 500 hot air balloons are here each year.  Try to make it to the 2014 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta next October!

Photos provided by:  KRQE News

Monday, October 7, 2013


Sorry - no posts this week - on vacation.

Photo is of Bora Bora (I wish!).

Have a great week - see you next Monday.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Autumn Is Here!

It will be in the 60's today for the first time.  It has been about 80 all week.  It will be cool over the weekend and up into the low to mid 70's next week.  For New Mexico - that's Autumn!!!  We have had a very long, hot summer so this weather is most welcome.

We had a week's vacation planned but John's car conked out yesterday morning.  He had to borrow my car to go to work and again today.  He will be changing out the fuel pump on his car on Sunday as, due to delays because of the car, he will have to do some of his part-time work tomorrow.  Hopefully, by Monday, we will be able to enjoy our Staycation with a few glitches.

Have a great weekend!!