Monday, May 28, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

Water Baby

Marcelle loves playing out in the street with water -- alone or with friends. According to Misha, Marcelle must not have received the memo about using the towel to dry off after water play. Oh well, she's having a great time and that's all that matters.

We will be having 90 degree temps all weekend, high wind gusts - not good as there are several fires in the area. Already have smoke haze this morning.

Have a lovely weekend!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Naked Is Fun!

What is it about toddlers and nudity? So funny. Marcelle has hit that stage where she takes her clothes off all the time. Hey, It's okay as long as she's not out in public, right? When we were at Monte Vista Christian School, there was a family with a lot of kids, all adorable. One of the little ones was always running on campus, totally naked, with mommy in hot pursuit. Hilarious!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day!

As John works Sundays on his new schedule, we celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday. We started by Skyping with Misha, Alan, and Marcelle. Then off to visit John's mom with roses, candy (2 pounds - she loves her chocolate), and 3 packages of Fig Newtons (she loves these even better than chocolate --- but, they have to be the original, none of that generic s**t - a quote). Simon, of course, joined us. We had a really nice time together. Flo was in good spirits and feeling well. Then John and I went to lunch. Great day. Topped off on Sunday Skyping with Krista. Great Mother's Day weekend.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Corporate Landscape

For any of you who have worked for a large company or corporation, "Duh!" would be your reaction to this. I have worked for a lot of small companies where I had an office or shared an office but I, too, have worked for a large corporation and I had a cubicle. I could see over the walls, without standing; I could hear others speaking; I could turn to my left and see another employee; I could turn around and see two more employees (four of us shared the same space. Outside this space were hundreds of others. I actually liked working there, very much - funny.

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, May 7, 2012

Less Is More

Have mentioned, in the past, that I may stop blogging. However, have decided just to cut back to Mondays and Fridays starting this week. This will be less stressful (which leads to more vertigo) and more enjoyable. I really do like blogging but the stress of 'having to do it today' is not. So, I wish everyone a great week and... I'll see you Friday.

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Friday, May 4, 2012

Misha and Alan

New photo of Misha and Alan is awesome. It was taken, recently, on their 6th anniversary weekend. They had a really nice trip to 'wine country' with friends. A really nice getaway.

Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Well, it's official. There will be no Spring around here. We went from a snowy weekend to 85 degrees in less than a couple of weeks. It has been in the low 90's all week and looks like it will stay there. We have had almost no precipitation this year so we are in a major drought -- not good -- and, of course, the danger of fires is very high all over the state. We really need rain -- off and on --- for a while.