Misha and little Marcelle arrive on Friday for a visit. We are so excited, we can hardly wait ---- 3 more days until they arrive! I feel like it's a first date with Marcelle. We haven't seen her (except on Skype - not sure how well she can see our faces, etc...) since she was three weeks old. Sometimes children, especially toddlers, can be spooked by people they don't know and end up crying because they are scared. Because she doesn't know us at all this is a possibility. We love her so much and just want to cuddle and play with her; let's hope that our "first date" is a really great one.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
We're looking forward to seeing you. She's got a lot of change going on right now with the new daycare, but I'll be there and she'll warm up, she'll be okay. Plus, Tiggy will be there, and she loves puppies, though not when they jump on her. :)