Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chicken Dinner

John came home last night to a yummy smell in our home; I felt well enough to make one of his favorite dishes -- encrusted chicken (you dip boneless, skinless chicken breasts in melted butter, then into a mixture of: crushed Ritz crackers, garlic (fresh or powdered), salt, pepper and shredded aged Parmesan (you can use another cheese if you want) then bake at 350 for about 30 minutes --- Yum!. The chicken comes out very juicy and tasty. Was really happy that I was feeling well enough, at the end of the day, to actually cook him dinner - doesn't happen very often.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, August 30, 2010

I Wish!!

How cool would that be! To have a place in Hawaii to go to for the winter for a couple of months - awesome. 'Course there would be problems that would prevent us from going there -- all my fault too: can't fly get really sick (vertigo just makes the whole thing worse). However, it never hurts to dream. I would love a timeshare in California near Misha, Alan, and Marcelle that we could go to 2 or 3 times a year. That would be soooooooooooo great!!! I will not give up the dream. That would be a great substitute for living there permanently until the market changes so we could sell our house and move there; could be quite a while, unfortunately.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Remember Lassie?

When I was a kid we always watched "Lassie" on T.V. If you have never seen it, it was a great show about a Collie and her owners - the child's name was Timmy. Lassie was always saving someone (usually Timmy) and by the end of the show everyone watching it would be crying. As I got older, I felt uncomfortable with all that crying. Funny, now I watch all kinds of stuff and cry and it doesn't bother me at all. I wonder if I would still cry watching "Lassie"?
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Football Season

For the last week or so we have been watching Preseason NFL Football games; it is definitely football season at our house. John has been able to watch one Chicago Bears game last week and there is another this weekend. Can't miss a Bears game. I don't watch every game but I do enjoy watching football sometimes. So, I watch with John and we go back and forth between the game and some comedy. Once the season is in full swing the going back and forth will diminish. It's fun to watch football especially a really good game. Go Bears!
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Repeat Recession??

Things have not been looking good lately --- housing sales/construction down, foreclosures up, bankruptcies up, unemployment still very high -- stock market showing this very clearly. We certainly cannot go into another recession (or depression depending on your point of view). We need to find a true solution to all these problems but, it seems, everything that we try makes it even worse. May God, indeed, Bless America!
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Las Vegas, Baby!

We watch America's Got Talent every week. Fun to see all the great acts and the not so great acts. Whoever wins will be a headliner at Circus Circus in Las Vegas plus they win one million dollars (Oh to have a Susan Boyle voice!). Now, Circus Circus has been around a very long time - I'm not sure if they have remodeled in the last few years but if they haven't it would be a little dated and ragged by now. Hopefully this prize isn't a headliner at a really down and out hotel. Hopefully this year's winner will have the luck (and talent) of Mr. Vater and end up with a 5 million dollar contract at a great hotel.

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer Tops

Summer clothes are interesting. What I mean is, sometimes you can't help but wonder what people are thinking by wearing certain things. I have seen, recently, a rather large (over 6 feet tall) and robust (270 - 300 lbs) young man wearing jean short shorts and a rather abbreviated tank top. Unbelievable, that he doesn't know how ridiculous he looks. Oh well, we all have our moments of bad taste I guess.

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Windshields

When I am up to it, it's nice to take a little drive; whether to town to run errands or just for a drive with John. But it's summer, so the body parts, etc... of many any insect are left on our windshield as evidence of the mass murder we have committed while taking our "so-called" innocent drive. I do truly hate to see all the bugs, butterflies squish against the glass but, alas, there is nothing to be done about it. Very sad.

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, August 23, 2010


Actually no one is being downsized around here (although my body could use a lot of downsizing) but I love this cartoon - especially the Chihuahua.
Monday mornings -- beginning of a new week. John off to work --- me, doing my blog. Quiet and cool --- door open, fan on to bring in cool air. We are supposed to drop into the 80's this week and get some rain; hope that is true. Praying this will be a great week.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Sunday, August 22, 2010

You Are Here

I am? Exactly where am I? I don't seem to have one of those maps that tells me exactly where I am and I can look at the map and check out where I want to go and how to get there. Life does not have a map. We cannot just look at one and see our life's position and where we want to go. We can, however, make decisions that may take us to our desired destination. Some people visualize where they want to go and how they will get there. Others, like myself, pray for desired results based on God's will for my life. I would never have imagined that I would be where I am today in my Dizzy Dame existence. However, I know God still has a plan for my life and I am praying for His will in my life. I know that there is something for me still to do.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Egg Recall

It has been known for years that about 20% of our eggs were contaminated by Salmonella but now it is a dangerous thing to eat eggs - according to the CDC and FDA they cannot be sure what eggs are OK to eat as so many have been repackaged under different distributors. So, let's all make sure we cook our egg whites and yolks totally, if indeed we are going to eat eggs at all right now. Seems sad that we have to be so careful about eating something that is part of our weekly lives.

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Friday, August 20, 2010

You Tube

There are so many cool things to be found on You Tube. I don't go searching as it makes me dizzy but I do see things on Face Book and online news that take me there. I am always amazed, or touched, or laugh. Great place. I am sure, also, that there are some not-so-nice things on You Tube but, because I don't just search around, I will never see them. I just enjoy the things that have been shared by family, friends, and news outlets.
Have a great weekend!!!
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Thursday, August 19, 2010


It's ancient but true: if you put pairs of socks in the laundry it is inevitable that you will lose at least one sock. I don't know what it is but it has driven me bonkers ever since I started doing laundry over 40 years ago. It's actually funny. Every time it happens I laugh, but in frustration. Once in a while I will ask John and he will say he threw one out because it was worn or had a hole; when he says this it's a relief but it can't be the explanation every time or he would be throwing out socks almost every week. Such is life!
On a more serious note, the vertigo seems, over the last couple of months, to have gotten a bit worse in that the bad days are more frequent. Does not make me happy but it is what it is.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ham and Swiss

I'm sorry but I just love a good ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on fresh cracked wheat bread and, of course, I have to have mayo on it. Some really like mustard with their ham and cheese but I am definitely a mayo girl; the only thing I put mustard on is a hot dog. Discovered this awesome sour dough cracked wheat bread at Smith's (made fresh, daily, in their bakery) - YUM!!

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Misha and Marcelle's Visit

What a great weekend we had. Misha and Marcelle arrived at lunchtime on Friday. John took them out a couple of times to visit a friend of ours at a ranch where Marcelle could be exposed to horses for the first time - hope to have those photos soon. She was a little wary at first but ended up liking the horses. They also went to a great park nearby and for a little shopping trip to Walmart (we love Walmart - sorry). Tiggy, our dog, and Marcelle became fast friends. Marcelle would crawl after him wherever he went. I think it was love at first sight. The swimming pool was a great hit too. We also blew bubbles and tried to catch them and then she would pop them - great fun! We just loved having them here and miss them terribly. We can hardly wait to see them again - hopefully at Christmas if John can get the time off, if not we will probably go in January.
Photos by: Anne and John

Friday, August 13, 2010

Today Is The Day!!!

They arrive today; we can hardly wait. We need hugs from Misha and little Marcelle. It has been way too long. We await with a child's swimming pool, bubbles, kiddie books, bath and pool toys, and small cuddly animals. Trips are planned: to our park with the big grassy area for Goo to explore, to another huge park with baby swings, to see miniature horses, and to shop for a cute outfit and perhaps her First Birthday (in a few weeks) present. We are anticipating our first hug and cuddle from Goo. Our arms ache for our sweet daughter. They will be with us until Monday morning; we will cherish each and every moment.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We have incoming! Yup, tomorrow baby Marcelle and Misha arrive to visit for four days. We are just so ready to see them. We haven't seen them since last year when Marcelle was three weeks old (she's eleven months old now). We miss them so very much; it's hard to explain how happy we are to know they will be with us tomorrow. Yippee!!!!
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Snail Mail

Why does it take forever for a piece of mail to get to its destination 5 miles away and another, from across the country, takes 2 - 3 days. I really don't get it. The worst, though, is that some mail NEVER gets to its destination and unless you know it's coming you don't even miss it (what if it is really important?). This happened with a voting ballot sent to us 2.5 weeks ago that has to be submitted by this Friday. I saw mention of it in an e-mail and called - they hand delivered the ballot. If I had never seen that e-mail or if the person sending out the bulk e-mail hadn't mentioned the ballot in passing we never would have been able to vote on a very important Homeowners Association issue. Such is life - guess I better get used to it. Am I ever happy that I pay all my bills online - who knows which payments would actually arrive if I put them in snail mail?
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chick Flicks

I love chick flicks. I love having to have Kleenex by my side. The whole experience is cathartic. One of my all-time favorites is "Regarding Henry" starring Harrison Ford and Annette Bening. I am not really a Ford fan but in this movie he is great and I always like Bening. If you've never watched it try and find it on TV or rent it. It's a real tearjerker - you'll love it. There's even a child and a dog in it - how can you miss.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, August 9, 2010

First Date

Misha and little Marcelle arrive on Friday for a visit. We are so excited, we can hardly wait ---- 3 more days until they arrive! I feel like it's a first date with Marcelle. We haven't seen her (except on Skype - not sure how well she can see our faces, etc...) since she was three weeks old. Sometimes children, especially toddlers, can be spooked by people they don't know and end up crying because they are scared. Because she doesn't know us at all this is a possibility. We love her so much and just want to cuddle and play with her; let's hope that our "first date" is a really great one.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Love this cartoon - very funny (and true)! Will be getting my hair cut on Tuesday - I keep trying to grow it in but it then becomes too much for me to care for; believe it or not, doing my hair and eye makeup can make me very dizzy. Once I realized this it made a difference to how my day went so, most of the time I do not wear eye makeup and just do the bare minimum to my hair. I have saved up to have my hair highlighted, perhaps to match the gray that is already there. If I highlight in a blond I would have 3 colors - a bit much, I think. We'll see.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Friday, August 6, 2010

Hunched Over

Pretty much all of us are either hunched over a computer, iPod, or Blackberry. Everyone is texting, FaceBooking, Tweeting, E-mailing --- we are all like busy little bees. The problem seems to be that so many of us don't look up --- we don't see the faces around us, the beautiful sky, the mountains, trees, butterflies, birds. We are very self-engrossed. We also don't hear the voices as we hardly ever talk on the phone. Do you think we might be missing the point? Being with people, talking with people, looking people in the eye -- truly communicating not in texting shorthand but with words and touch. Just thinking.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Greg's Family

On top is a photo of Greg with his bride, Lillian. Below is Greg lovely daughter, Deirdre, and his grandsons: on the left is Jay and on the right, Luke. Great looking family, right?
I wrote, yesterday, about finding Deirdre on FaceBook last week - it really does feel like I found a niece and two great-nephews. John is excited for me too. Happy time!
Photos provided by: Deirdre

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My "Brother" Greg

The above photo is of Tony (Greg's older brother) and his new wife and Greg, on the right. Greg and I grew up together. We lived next door to each other every summer from the time I was an infant until we were both adults. He was the brother I never had. We played together virtually every day until we were teenagers. He was a gentle, kind, and sweet person even as a child. Tragically he passed away in the early 1980's - he was so young. He left behind his lovely wife, Lillian, and his precious daughter, Deirdre (who is a year younger than our Krista). Just recently I "found" Deirdre on FaceBook and we have been communicating via FB ever since. It is like finding a long-lost niece - it makes me very happy.The above photo is courtesy of Deirdre. She tells me he was an awesome father which doesn't surprise me in the least. Greg has two beautiful grandsons who are almost the exact same ages as Krista's girls. I miss him.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Where Are We?

We don't have GPS in either of our cars but whenever we travel we rent cars and they always have GPS. I am amazed at all the good things about GPS: you know exactly where the next gas station (thank God, a bathroom), restaurant, hotel is. Then, there are the bad things: you are going along happily, following the GPS map, and then there is a detour (not on GPS) and you have no idea where it's going or, worse, the map is totally wrong. Mapquest can be totally wrong too - it's actually funny sometimes. Modern times!

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, August 2, 2010

Body Image

Since last mid-October, due to vertigo, I have been unable to work. Before that happened I was successfully losing weight - having lost 14 pounds in 5 months by just being careful about how much I ate. I was very happy and encouraged by this, as you can imagine. However, since then I have been the "Prisoner of Zenda" in my own home with but a few "high points" in my life: My beloved John - it makes my day when he gets home after work. My darling daughters and granddaughters - seeing and speaking with them on Skype every few weeks gives me something to look forward to and to cherish. Following my family and friends on Facebook - I can look on the computer several times a day for short periods of time and catch up with them. Reading - although I can only read for 5 minutes (10 on a good day) at a time I am still a reader - love my books and a few magazines as well. TV - news, court, comedies, etc... whatever to pass the time. I alternate all these things to break up my day. Food - I eat 2 or 3 meals a day but I am totally sedentary (cannot walk, etc... for exercise due to vertigo - I fall too easily) and so have gained all I lost - plus. This does not make me feel very proud of myself but it is the truth - I am not happy with my "look" - not very fashionable at all (there is a tribe in Africa who thinks fat is beautiful :0) --- where are they when I need them). We have a terrific stationary bicycle in our living room (to motivate us) but we have not figured out a safe way for me to get on it without falling or feeling really dizzy -- still working on that. If I could figure it out so that I could get on it alone I would be able to get in a little exercise each day. We will keep trying!

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Child Proof Caps

Every once in a while, my pharmacist will forget that I do not have "little ones" at home and give me my prescription with a child proof cap. Help!! I have quite bad arthritis all over my body but especially in both my hands. Getting off a child proof cap is virtually impossible for me so off I must go to ask John to open it for me; talk about feeling foolish.

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest