Not to be a pain in the neck, but I do want to remind you that you have less than 4 weeks left to file your taxes. We hate waiting 'til the end, so ours are done. I do know that a lot of people wait until the very end, so this is just a little reminder. Hope you all get big refunds!
Today's joke is rude but on the nose. Sorry if I have offended anyone - I did not intend to.
Joke for the Day: In a long line of people waiting for a bank teller, one guy suddenly started massaging the back of the person in front of him. Surprised, the man in front turned and snarled, "Just what the heck do you think you are doing?" "Well", said the guy, "you see, I am a chiropractor and I could see that you were tense, so I had to massage your back. Sometimes I just cannot help practicing my art!" "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, the guy replied. I work for the IRS. Do you see me f***ing the guy in front of me?"
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