So, I've had this large nose my whole life - when I was young it wasn't so bad but as I have aged my profile looks like the wicked witch of the west. Even if I had the money I wouldn't change it; it's who I am (French Canadians often have noses).
Our sweet dog, Tiggy, is aging (12 in September) and so we have discussed bringing in a younger dog for company but he really doesn't like young dogs at all, especially puppies. Besides, we don't want to be cleaning up puppy poop and Tiggy poop (as he ages this is more likely).
Joke for the Day: The week we got our puppy, I caught a stomach bug and stayed home from work one day. That afternoon, my wife called to check up on me. "I'm okay," I said. "But guess who pooped in the dining room." My wife's response: "Who?"
Cartoon and Joke provided by: Reader's Digest
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