Have been dealing with the fact that I will not be able to appeal the Long Term Disability insurance denial of benefits. If this had gone through I would have received 70% of my former income until Social Security age - a few more years. But now I am appealing the denial of my Social Security Disability insurance denial of benefits; I wonder if it is worth it as I would receive only $700 per month until Social Security kicks in. I would be allowed to earn up to an additional $1000 per month (if I could find something I could do at home and not on the computer) which would be a total (if I could actually earn up to $1000) of $20, 400 annually. Now this would be fine for me as we would have two incomes but I'm trying to figure out how they expect a single parent to live on this if, indeed, they could even find a job to earn the additional $1000. I really don't want to take this SSDI benefit but I am appealing whilst I look, diligently, for a way to make an income at home and not take the SSDI at all. Wish me luck!
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
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