Tiggy, our sweet little dog (he'll be 12 years old Labor Day Weekend) made a mistake in our living room today. He either didn't try to wake us up (doubtful) or we were in such deep sleep he couldn't wake us. He has only done this a few times since we moved here. I know he is getting older so this might happen more often. Anyway, John had it all cleaned up before he left for work: thank you!
We are all getting older, 'tis true. I wonder if I will make mistakes in front of the fireplace - LOL.
And, if I do, will John be the one to clean it up - poor guy - or will Depends be part of my life. I guess we all wonder how we will end up. It is a the forefront of my brain due to the rough time my mother-in-law has been having.
Joke for the Day: Recently I sat in a restaurant watching two older men go at it. It quickly grew heated as one of them declared, "I'm so mad, I'm taking you off my pallbearer list!"
Cartoon and Joke provided by: Reader's Digest
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