Power is an interesting thing - it can give you what you want or need or it can all be taken away ----- just like that!
Today's joke, although very funny, made me think about how much we take for granted. I walk into a room and flip a switch and a light goes on. The heat from our furnace just "magically" turns on when needed. But it also made me think about power - the kind of power men crave and abuse. People with wonderful intentions and ideas suddenly turn into despots filled with their own importance and power. We must always be careful of whatever power we have, however little, that we do not misuse it.
Joke for the Day: A man and his wife were sitting in the living room discussing a“Living Will”"Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug."His wife got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all the beer.
Joke provided by: ajokeaday.com
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