Over the last 15 months I have been in a rehabilitation program for the disabled. I have been very blessed to have been learning to be a Job Developer helping others with disabilities try to get back into the workforce. Although very challenging, it is a very rewarding experience. This time is ending the first week of May and there will be no further time to learn. We have discovered that I am able to work, outside the home, about 8 hours on a bad week of vertigo and up to 12 hours -- most of the time it is about 10 hours. We had hoped to expand this time but it has not happened. The chances of finding me a job for this amount of hours is very limited if at all possible. We are working on some ideas to, hopefully, find a way to make a few dollars a month. If any of our ideas pan out it would certainly take some stress off John who is currently working a full time job plus 5 or 6 part-time ones. It would be nice to be able to take some of the stress off of him. I will keep you posted. Pray for a clear solution - thank you.
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