I have no idea what they are doing in Washington, D.C. I haven't had any idea what they are doing for many years now. It doesn't matter what party holds the presidency or the congress or the senate. There is a mess in our government that has trickled down to each and every state, county, city, and town. All these government officials expect us, the peons, to live on a tight (if non-existent) budget while they spend money that doesn't exist (so they print it). We, the peons, try to get jobs, keep jobs, pay rent or mortgage payments (on houses not worth anywhere near what our mortgages are), pay for food and other necessities while our government (at all levels) fly around in private plans while extolling the virtues of the "greening" of America -- the hypocrisy is mind boggling. Where will it end? Great question. I think prayer is our only hope.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
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