With all that is going on in our country, I think our little friend has the right idea. Then, on the other hand, if we all hide nothing will change it will just get worse. This is the scary part: if we do nothing and it gets worse we only have ourselves to blame. After all, we elect people to do what is best for the country and when they don't we blame them. We need to hold our elected officials accountable, at all levels, for what they do and don't do. Campaign promises are easy - fulfilling them is another matter. Sometimes we all forget, especially those in government, that they work for us - we pay their salaries and for all their perks, etc... and they truly don't appreciate it and, in fact, look down on us - the plebeians - and speak of us and to us as if we were very small, not very smart, children. I am a little sick of their attitudes. They only care about their agendas and really have lost sight of the long term effects of what they have done and what they are doing.
Sorry --- just had to vent a little.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest