In 7.5 years, living here, we have never had so much snow at one time. We thought it was only 5 inches but it turns out it was almost 8!! The top photo shows our house early Saturday morning. The second is our 'Hydrognome' across the street - cute, isn't he? While the heavy snow was falling (started Friday evening) several kids from our block had out their ATV and were going up and down the hill (we live near the top) and having a blast; they were also making a large snowman by rolling the snow down the hill. They certainly took full advantage of a very rare occurrence - good for them!!! Our little Petite Corgy/Chihuahua mix went out first thing Saturday to do her 'business' - when she stepped off the patio the snow was so high (up to her tummy) that she stepped back onto the patio and 'went' on the patio - she then found out there was a little trail that was not as deep right against the house. She then went exploring in the snow. Fun weekend!