All our snow is gone in this area. There is plenty at the higher elevations but not here. Plenty on the mountain range right by us. There was never really enough to make a good snowman -- maybe later in the winter season. Always loved to make snowmen - so cute, depending on how you decked them out. Hope you all get a chance to make a snowman this year.
There are many areas in New Mexico that have huge amounts of snow. I am sure there are a lot of people out there having a blast: skiing, snowboarding, sledding, etc... Such fun for them. All the ski areas are thrilled to have so much snow so early in the season -- they should have a great year! If you have snow where you are, go outside and make a snowman or have a snowball fight. Enjoy!
This dad is like the original Scrooge; bravo for ruining a kid's Christmas. We loved watching our girls open their gifts on Christmas morning. The eyes lit up, smiles, just awesome! We always had a big present for each of them from Jesus (Santa when they were small) - lots of fun when they received that one. When they were small John and I went to great lengths to have them believe in Santa. John even got on the roof once to make noises so that Krista would believe 'one more year'. Once we had granddaughters watching them open their gifts was 'the best' - Bekah and Roxie's eyes would get big a saucers when they saw all the gifts under our tree for them. Next Christmas we hope to have the same experience with Marcelle -- we are planning on sharing Christmas with them. Children and Christmas -- the best!
When I was a little girl, the best part of Christmas was when my mother would bring my stocking to me in bed. It was such a treat opening each little wrapped, in white tissue paper, gift while warm and cozy in my bed. A whole bunch of little surprises! Opening gifts under the tree with the whole family gathered around was super fun and exciting too but there was something very special about getting my Christmas stocking on Christmas morning. Memories.
I have to admit, sometimes, Christmas letters can be fun. However, they can also be, uh, boring or filled with, uh, bragging. We stopped sending them a number of years ago because we did not want to end up in the second category. We don't get nearly as many of them as we used to so I think, perhaps, others have the same feelings as we do. We love to hear from those we are not in contact with very much, so, even if there is a letter included --- we are happy to hear from them.
At one time, when he had time, John decorated the exterior of our house, trees, bushes, etc... for Christmas. He always did it on Thanksgiving Day with the help of Danny and/or Alan. While that was going on, all the girls: Krista, Misha, Bekah, Roxie, and I would decorate the entire interior of the house. We would usually buy our Christmas tree the following weekend and decorate it as well. It was a lot of fun. I sure do miss that.
Happy Birthday to our baby! We love you and miss you so much. Have a wonderful, special birthday!
Happy Anniversary to us! We have been together so long but we love each other even more than when we married. We have had such a wonderful life together - no matter what has gone on, no matter how wonderful or difficult, we have always had each other - that makes everything better. We have two wonderful, intelligent, talented daughters, two terrific, loving sons-in-law, and three brilliant, beautiful granddaughters and... God is at the center of it all - we are truly blessed. I love you, John!
It would be awesome to be like elves; no ill health and no aging. Wow! What a treat that would be. However, the aging part could be a problem. If you don't age do you still grow in experience and wisdom or do you continue to be young and naive? I would never want to be ageless unless I still gained wisdom. I would not go back to my youth, even to get that body back, unless I kept what I have learned over the years. Oh, to be 30 and still know what I know now!
It's that glorious time of year again. Everyone is out spending money they don't have. Buying gifts for those they love (and don't). Always with a smile on their faces (right!). Being gentle and kind to all (you saw the video of the woman pepper spraying people on Black Friday, didn't you?). Ah, yes, the Christmas season.
Seeing as I am definitely not writing the great American blog, I have decided to post only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays starting next week. I enjoy the actual blogging but I do not enjoy the pressure of having to come up with a topic five days a week - this, also, is not great for my condition - stress is a no-no. So, you will have me, to read, two days less a week - a blessing in disguise, no doubt.
I have never been fond of the story of the Princess and the Frog; I'm not sure why but I guess, even as a child, I thought it was silly. 'Real' princes do not wear capes or have feathers in their caps or ride white horses. 'Real' princes love your child, like his own, even if the child is not his. 'Real' princes play with that child, and with his own, on the floor with their toys. 'Real' princes are there, through thick and thin, even when you are ill, hurt, or...dizzy. I found my prince and..I did not have to kiss a frog to find him. Thank you, John, for being my prince.
Tiggy, our dog, is no 'spring chicken'. He turned 13 in September. Over the last couple of years he has really aged and has some medical issues. Thankfully he is not in any great pain. We give him medication for the arthritis so he is quite comfortable. But, these last several days, with the wind, snow, and very cold temperatures plus windchill he is not happy outside. Now, he loves being outside - it's his favorite place but not recently. So, we have been bringing him inside to keep warm and comfy and just keep vigilant in case he needs to 'go out', if you get what I mean. Yesterday I brought him back in after a short first trip outside and he didn't go out again for 14 hours; he was so happy snoozing on the living room floor -- cozy, happy dog.
This is just one of the thousands of photos that are out there of the damage caused by the terrible storm that has crossed from California to Arizona to Nevada to Colorado and to New Mexico and it moves on. We, personally, had sustained winds of 40 mph for 24 hours -- gusts 60 to 70 mph -- a little scary as the whole house would be shaking and it sounded like a freight train coming through. The roof of Valencia High School peeled back - that's a couple of blocks from us. Yikes!!! You think that's bad -- Albuquerque had gusts of 88 mph and parts of southern Colorado up to 123 mph -- Is this hurricane season?
Two family birthdays this week: Peter, Connie's husband, turns 79 today! Wow! Bekah, Krista's oldest, is 14 tomorrow! Time goes by so quickly. Can hardly believe it. I have known Peter all my life (that I remember). He was dating Connie when I was 4 or 5 years old. He is like the brother I never had. He has always been there. Love you, Peter. Bekah is our first grandchild - a brilliant, talented, and lovely girl. She has a great future ahead of her. Hugs and kisses, Bekah!