Monday, October 31, 2011

Landscaping Ideas

We have not been able to landscape our back yard yet. But this is what I would like it to look like. We are in the high desert so we need to do the 'xeriscape' thing as is our front yard. I hope that we are able to do this in the near future; it would be much more pleasant to look at than our sand with a few rose bushes.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Be Very Careful

We had first snow here in New Mexico. Not at our home but north of Albuquerque. A little early this year. All the ski area owners are happy as clams. We went from 75 to 55 degrees in one day. Good thing we had our evaporative cooler turned off and our forced air heater turned on earlier this week; good timing. Looking forward to the cooler weather; it has been a long hot summer.

Enjoy your weekend!

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Good Luck With That

Let's face it, we all want to be rescued. We all want our investments, if we even have any, to be super successful. Well, let's not hold our breath because I don't think there is a White Knight big enough to come to our rescue and carry us all off on his White Horse. But... we can dream, can't we?

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Easy For You To Say

Hilarious! Love this cartoon.

People are saying, "Don't worry." "Everything will be alright." "Our country will bounce back." While I do believe in this country's ability to come back from all this mess, I have to be honest and say that many presidents have contributed to it and so I am not really that confident that this president can fix what he and others have created. I'm not really sure he wants to. So, I will pray...and pray...and pray.

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lawsuit Done

Well, it's over. There will be no lawsuit for Long Term Disability. Lawyers will only take on this sort of lawsuit if they can win it (95% or more certainty) as they only get paid if they win. This is the third (maybe fourth?) lawyer I have taken my case to and he spent money getting doctor's (not mine) opinions and said he would take the case if the two he contacted, and got reports from, agreed. They did not entirely agree so he will not take on the case. So, that's it. So, we are letting it go. We hope my hearing for Social Security Disability Insurance goes well but there are absolutely no guarantees. That should take place about January in an Albuquerque court.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Calling All Birds

Feeling somewhat better today.

We have a 'ton' of pigeons around here. For a while they hung out on our roof. They don't do that often anymore -- Tiggy, our dog, made 'lunch' out of any of them that landed on the ground. Not very appetizing but true nonetheless.

Have a super weekend!

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Bit Rough Last Night

Even though I was dizzy during the night, a couple of times, and was unable to close my eyes, I was able to get back to sleep just before the need for medication.
A triumph! Progress!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Changing Medication Dosage, Etc...


Monday, October 17, 2011


Has been rougher than usual (multiple bad days in a row) lately. To add to this, twice I have not been able to sleep, for hours, because every time I closed my eyes it felt like I was going to fall off the bed and be sick to my stomach. Will be contacting my neurologist today and postponing any of the few things I was supposed to do this week.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Feeling Okay!

John and I have four days together. See you Monday.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dizzy Dame, For Sure

The last week, or so, has been a roller coaster. I always have vertigo -- every day, all day. However, there are times when the "bad days" run together and that is how it has been lately. Kind of a pain in the neck. Have not been out of the house since last Tuesday morning. Hoping to make an appointment this morning. Will try very hard but if the unfocused vision/mind kick in or the occasional double vision does then it's a "no go". The vertigo, itself, is not worse -- it's the same as always. I have always had "bad days" and "mediocre days" and then, what I call, "normal (for me) days". It is just that lately there has been a string of "bad days". I am used to it - just want to get out of the house. John has four days off in a row for us to be together (starting tomorrow) so I really want to have a string of "normal (for me) days". Pray for me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Who To Hire

So, here's logic for you, employers are now not interviewing/hiring anyone that does not have a job. They are discriminating against the jobless. What craziness is this? The most common job seeker is jobless! What are they thinking? Are we going to need a new law that says they have to hire the jobless? I mean, really?

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Friday, October 7, 2011


Too Dizzy. See you Tuesday (Monday is a holiday).

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

More Rain...

We are all thrilled to see more rain. I can hardly wait to see if the Rio Grande will be running again the next time I go across the bridge. The only bad part is a high wind is coming with the rain and that is not a good thing. Between the rain and lower temperatures it's really nice to have the curtains open and no cooling running. I plan on a nice day today.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well, after many, many months of almost no rain - we are in an official 100 year drought - we have had rain off and on since yesterday afternoon. A lot of light showers with the occasional heavy rain. The prediction is several days of isolated showers. We are all hoping that we will pick up a lot of the rain we are short. To tell you how bad it has been - people were riding their ATVs on the riverbed of the Rio Grande!!

Cartoon provided by:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"Can't We All Just Get Along"

Global strategy. Makes one think. Maybe we would all be better off if there were no global strategy. It would seem that 'man' has really messed up global strategy. Just take a look at the mess we are in. Who are our allies, who are our enemies and... why?

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, October 3, 2011

Time For Bed!

We have bears wandering all over nice suburban neighborhoods in the Albuquerque area - mostly cubs. So far, no one has been hurt - here. The same cannot be said all around the country. Bears are everywhere - mostly due to drought issues. These little, and big, guys need to go and hibernate and hopefully next year will be better for them (and us).

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest