For those of you who are planning to party tonight I give you warning; don't overdo it - not worth it at all. Tomorrow you will pay the price and, I fear, the price is way too high.
Storms all over the country! Amazing problems with people trying to get home from their Christmas vacations; very frustrating for everyone. Major monetary losses for the airlines (they need that like a hole in the head). Here we have snow all over the state, even in the most southern part near the border with Mexico. In the eastern U.S. many inches have fallen, up to two feet in some parts. We are expecting that much, and more, in the most northern part of the state - happy skiers! Hope you are all safe.
For me, once Christmas is over I really like to take down the decorations. I'm not certain perhaps my parents did the same thing; not really sure. At any rate, our house is Christmas decoration-free. I really love Christmas and maybe because the girls and their families are not here it's just easier to not have the house decorated now. If they were here the decorations would definitely stay up until they left. Hopefully, maybe even next year, we will all be together for Christmas - haven't been since 2006 -- I can dream.
Wow! Practically the whole northeast is snowed in. My oldest sister is stuck in her house - they have plowed her area out but other streets are not. A friend of ours was supposed to have flown back here on Sunday and has been told she will not be able to fly until Thursday (just a little late for work). The blizzards in Montreal are a lot worse than this and they fly in them too. I remember, back in the mid-90's, landing in Montreal in the middle of a blizzard - smooth as silk. At any rate, we want everyone to be safe; that's what is most important.
I do not like New Year's Eve parties; never have, even when a young woman. Went to a couple and never went again - what is it with all these strange men trying to kiss you - yuck!!!! So, I have always spent quiet evenings at home. It is a true blessing that John feels the same way. Our first New Year's Eve he actually fell asleep and so I had to wake him up at midnight - very funny. Nothing has changed since; we are usually in bed long before midnight - even when we were kids. Ah, the quiet life!
Take a little time on Christmas day to remember why it is that we celebrate: His birth as He came to Earth to save us from our sin. Our Savior's birthday.
Hope you are all prepared for Christmas celebrations. Looks like Santa may be delayed---Ho Ho Ho!!! John is working 2 jobs today and getting paid a holiday for his full-time job -- we are truly blessed! Looking forward to him being home for dinner - Chinese!!! Tomorrow: friends over to exchange gifts and celebrate and a nice turkey dinner -- yummy!!!
I am odd, peculiar, an outcast, crazy, lacking taste, you name it... I love fruitcake!! I have not had any in many years. Have not found one that I like in a long time but when I was a kid living with my parents we always had fruitcake at Christmas time. Added to the fruitcake, by my mother, was delicious butter cream frosting which set nicely adding a sweet touch to the cake - Yum!! Ah, Christmas memories!
Now, I could live with that; a beautifully decorated Christmas tree in our yard that's really a cell phone tower and... get paid for it. Apparently they pay quite a lot - nice work if you can get it!!
The shoppers are out in full force. You can't find a parking space (except out in the boonies) in any mall parking lot. Items on display tables are tossed about. Store employees are burning out quickly. Why do people wait until the last minute to do their shopping?
At this time of year, unfortunately, some tragic things happening leaving families in tatters. Last night, on a road nearby a Deputy Sheriff stopped to check on an abandoned vehicle. A man and his son erupted from the car, attacking the Deputy; they took his gun and fired at him three times, hitting him at least once and then left in their vehicle. Now this does not sound good but, praise be to God, he was flown to UNM Hospital and is apparently going to be OK. Merry Christmas to that very thankful family.
This is toooo cute! A bear in a snow man costume. Too much.
Can't believe we have only four more days until Christmas. We are really looking forward to Skyping with our daughters, sons-in-law, and granddaughters. Our true gift for Christmas. The icing on the cake would be a little snow; they are getting it all over the state but not here - sigh. Just a dusting would be nice.
According to the United States Postal Service, today is the last day to mail your Christmas cards for them to be delivered (in the USA and perhaps Canada) before Christmas. As far as packages go, you may be out of luck. I believe the last day to mail packages guaranteed for pre-Christmas delivery was one week ago. Everyone is bustling around: shopping for gifts, looking for the perfect Christmas tree, and buying all the makings for their Christmas goodies. Most, even with the economy in a negative state, are in a good mood - one of the perks of this season. Nice.
Here, in New Mexico, there are a lot of birds that fly south for the winter but some seem to wait to the very, very last minute. We have had freezing temperatures for a month now and the stragglers are still hanging around; waiting for a heat wave? The funny thing is, we have others that actually fly south to be here. I am no expert on migration but I thought the point was to get away from cold weather. I realize that our daytime temperatures are quite mild compared to other places but, at night, it freezes. I really don't get it but I love birds so I'm happy they are here.
Funny cartoon but it certainly makes one think. Our world is in such turmoil it can be a bit frightening. When I think about all that is occurring I realize that nothing I can do will change it except to pray. Truly, God knows what is going to happen and we have created all the problems here. He gave us paradise and we, over time, have turned it into something else. And yet, the glory of His creation is all around us. All I have to do is look to the magnificent sky, mountains, stars, trees, lovely animals and I see Him in all of it. We have been blessed with a "home" here on Earth that is glorious but we choose to fight one another instead of revelling in our blessings and praising Him who gave it to us. Ah, but then, we are truly human aren't we?
Today is very special: it is Krista's birthday (won't tell you which one - yep we are at that point --- just kidding, Krista!!) and our 32nd anniversary. When we met and married there were some that were very skeptical about the possible success of our union. We are "victims" of love at first sight. Now, I know that most people don't believe in that but we are living testimony to its existence and success.
Happy Anniversary, John. I love you still and always will.
These two are adorable; all ready for bed, snuggling their Teddy Bears. Too Cute!!!
Quiet weekend; John worked all night (until 11:30) Friday and then all day Saturday. It's nice to see all the Christmas cards displayed on our mantle and the Christmas Bearista's scattered throughout the living and dining rooms; the bowl of Christmas candy is nice too! That's about the extent of our decorating for Christmas -- not much fun unless there are kids, grand kids around to enjoy them. Hopefully, one of these upcoming years we can have Christmas here. Haven't had a Christmas together since 2006 -- we are all spread out now. We'll have to work on that one.
I am a sucker for Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Each year, at Christmas time, I watch the movie. Now, I realize that there are so many versions of this movie, all based on the book. However, I have a definite favorite starring Alistair Sim, a wonderful British actor; the best Scrooge you will ever see. The movie was made in 1951, I believe. Have had my annual turn with Scrooge and enjoyed it immensely - something I look forward to every year. I hope you get a chance to watch this version of the Dickens' classic. Oh, by the way, I read the book every year as well.
Watching American TV is interesting; almost all the women have implants. Now, don't get me wrong, there are some women who want to have them and are totally sensible about the whole thing and... look great after. However, most seem to have no taste themselves and neither do their doctors; they end up looking as ridiculous as the cutie above only bigger. What is with the huge and unnatural breasts on all these skinny women. Our society's idea of beauty has changed so much in the last 50 years. Remember Marilyn Monroe -- gorgeous --- not thin, not fat, and her breasts fit her body and... they were real. Oh well! I feel sorry for these women. Nice to watch British TV and see lovely women who are not skinny and have normal figures. Go UK!
A lot of "spinning" going on in our political country right now. Both sides sending out the info they think we need to hear in order to agree with whatever they decide to do or not do. At this point, I really don't believe anyone - what a shame I have to say that (bad enough I think it). All over the world, not just here, people are struggling, frustrated, unhappy, and want answers -- answers that will make their lives easier. I don't know if the leaders have any answers that will satisfy -- a difficult time that may, indeed, get more so.
The chicken or the egg? Alphabetically makes things easy. Reality makes things a lot more complex. You could, actually, think through this question endlessly... really. As a Christian I know the answer... the chicken. God made us all first - grown, adults. Babies, eggs, etc... followed. Makes it quite simple, doesn't it? And, just in case you are wondering, I believe it - totally.
I know I'm a little early to be reciting that but we purchased the book for little Marcelle. Not your everyday book; we were able to record it, page by page, so that each time she opens the book or turns a page she will hear our voices reading the story to her. Such a great idea, don't you think? We get to see Marcelle on Skype about once a month so she knows who we are but we thought having our voices reading to her would add to the bond. We hope to get her more of these books as special occasions arise.
Another of my Starbucks Bearistas (uh, plus a Mousista) -- reading 'Twas A Night Before Christmas.
Bekah is having a few friends over for a party this evening. I don't know what the specific plans are (will hear all about it Sunday via Skype) but I know they will have a lot of fun. I remember a few parties of my own when I was a kid. I didn't have any birthday parties after I turned 11 but I remember screening movies (Daddy being in the business I could have any movie I wanted -- including "Anchors Aweigh!" before it was released in the theaters) and yummy cake and lots of friends. When our girls were young we would have parties, fill bags with goodies for each guest, have cake and drinks and, of course, play games. As the grew older their ideas about parties changed and so the parties themselves changed - fun for all , though. As time went on we started to attend parties for Bekah and Roxie -- lots of kids, bounce houses, fun games, cake, and drinks. Birthday parties are always fun. Have a great time, Bekah!!!
Our granddaughter, Bekah, turns 13 today. Where does the time go? I can see her, clear as a bell, sitting in her highchair in our living room. She came to us four days a week while mom worked at church. She played happily in her highchair, on the floor, and on the grass. All that time that she spent with us created a very strong bond that will never break. We are so blessed to have had Bekah and her little sister, Roxie, spend so much time with us. They had bedrooms in our house, their own toys, clothes - everything; all they had to do was walk through our front door and they were home. This was, we hope, comfortable for them both and, I know, it was wonderful for us. Although they live very far away and have only seen them for 9 days in the last 3 1/2 years because of Skype we "see" them at least once a month if not twice and so the bond is still intact. Have a great day, Bekah! We love you!