Friday, October 29, 2010

I am not a huge fan of tattoos especially on a woman where it shows when she's wearing nice clothes. I saw, on TV the other day, a beautiful photo of a bride and her groom and there, ruining the whole picture were tattoos on her chest and both arms. Call me old fashioned but I really didn't like that at all. If I were to ever get a tattoo (LOL!!!) it would be where no one could see it. Just my opinion.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Thursday, October 28, 2010
On Hold

I don't know what it is, whenever you call to get help with your computer you can be on hold for an eternity - then, othertimes you get right through. Just part of life, I guess. I really hate to have to call any tech support, as nice as most of them are, as you always end up on the phone with them for an hour - guaranteed. With the two vertigos I have, this is way too much of a commitment so I have started to try and figure things out myself - computer, Directv, whatever. Funnily enough, between us, we usually can figure most things out. Saves a lot of phone time.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Flight Home

Been noticing all the birds flying south over the last few weeks. It really is amazing how God has made them to be able to find their way home to the south each Autumn and back home to the north each Spring. I wonder, sometimes, how many get lost or separated on the long trip and then what happens to them in unfamiliar territory; would be scary, that's for sure. Have a safe trip home to our feathered friends.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall is definitely here. It is 33 degrees this morning and there is snow in Taos and there may be some in our nearby mountains today as well. It is very crisp and clear. The cloud formations are amazing. I love this time of year here. Having all four seasons is really awesome. Love it!
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Monday, October 25, 2010
Go Giants!

We are so happy the Giants have made it into the World Series. It was touch and go but they pulled it off -great job guys!!!
Above is a photo of my Giants Starbuck "Bearista". I have been collecting them since 1999. Have a ton of them for all the holidays and different times of the year. They are so cute - I love them. John will often surprise me with the latest bear for an upcoming holiday - so thoughtful and sweet.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Pumpkin Time!

Misha, Alan, and little Marcelle, as you can see, spent some time in a pumpkin patch. The little one certainly enjoyed herself. There was also a small petting zoo which she thoroughly enjoyed - she LOVES animals. A fun way to spend part of your weekend.
I am to call my attorney this morning. Hopefully, after reading my file, he will have good news for me. I only have a little over a week in which to file my appeal for benefits. Keep praying for me - thank you.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

I really don't get "Don't ask, don't tell". What difference does it make? There have always been gay men and women putting their lives on the line for this country. It is ridiculous to even discuss this except in the case of some sort of discrimination. Usually those who are concerned about it are just plain ignorant; they don't concern themselves with the drinkers, druggies, womanizers, wife beaters, etc... so, why this???? Just thinking.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Serial Killer?

Have you read about the Canadian Colonel who has been arrested for two murders? He is a real sick one. He filmed himself molesting young women as well as the two murders he committed and other disgusting things he did. Going to be really hard not to find this man guilty. They are not sure if he is a serial killer or not; investigating that right now. This man is high up in the military and has even been the pilot for Queen Elizabeth when she recently visited Canada. You find sick people in every walk of life. Very sad really. He definitely needs a lot of prayer.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Early To Bed

John is going into work, right now, for 7 a.m. so he has to get up at 4 a.m. because it is an hour drive. As a result, we have started going to bed at 8:30 p.m. - are we old, or what? It's not bad, really. I am a morning person anyway and the vertigo is not as bad, usually, first thing in the morning. I am up at 5:30 a.m. and get a lot done first thing. Only complaint I have is that it is still dark and stays that way until about 7 a.m. It won't be difficult to go to bed that early considering when we each get up. Sweet Dreams!
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Monday, October 18, 2010
Weekend Report

For the first time since I was overcome by vertigo a year ago ( yup, it's been a year) I had a busy day on Saturday. We had a yard sale - I was sitting most of the time but I was still out there for five hours. Then lunch and to the grocery store. I was so tired I could hardly believe it. Sunday was a really bad day for me. Intense vertigo all day and evening. Could only spend a short time on Skype with Krista and family. Even TV was a problem as almost everything I saw made me dizzy. So, off to bed at 8 p.m. This morning, so far, I feel the normal amount of dizziness - so, hopefully, I am over the "bad stuff". Will try and get some fresh air today - out front or, if well enough, run a couple of errands in town.
Cartoon provided by: Cartoonstock.com
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Lawyer, continued...
Well, I was too dizzy to go to the attorney's office. He called me later in the day and said he was taking a few days to go over my file and that I was to call him next Friday. This will give us just a little over a week to complete my appeal; he says this is not a problem. Because of his reputation, I am not concerned. Still need your prayers.
Lawyer Visit

Appointment today with an attorney to see if we will be able to do the final appeal for my Long Term Disability Insurance benefits. I have been denied twice; very discouraging. Don't know what else I can do. Seeing a very well known attorney today who has agreed to look at my entire file (John took it to him last week) and speak with me this morning. We only have a little over two weeks left to file my final appeal. There is actually no reason for them to deny me but they have taken an opinion that is not valid; even my neurologist doesn't understand it. Anyway, I can only do what I can do. Pray for me.
Cartoon provided by: Cartoonstock.com
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Queen

I have always loved bees. And, yes, there have been times I have been anxious about being stung - have been stung once. However, they are so adorable; fuzzy - small - industrious - and, of course, so important to our agriculture. I love to watch them buzzing around a flower with their little legs dangling - toooo cute! There has been a lot of bees dying in the last several months with agriculturists concerned about crops because of the mass deaths. Hope they figure it all out - we need our fuzzy little friends.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We adore our three granddaughters. The eldest, Bekah, (above on the left) is intelligent, funny, and so pretty. Roxie (above on the right) is sweet, gentle, and also pretty. Little Marcelle is funny too, adorable, and makes the cutest faces - we await more of her personality as she grows. We miss being near these little treasures; we wish we could live close to all of them. This is the sad thing about family being spread out; not being close enough to see them all the time. We pray that it will change soon - the older we get the more we want to see them. God? Is it in Your plan for us all to be close again?
Monday, October 11, 2010

One of my little secrets: I have always thought it would be really cool and so much fun to be a NASCAR driver - or even Formula One. Secretly I would love to drive extremely fast and see the black and white flag wave for me. Crazy, I know. But dreams are dreams, aren't they?
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Friday, October 8, 2010
Jury Duty? continued...
As it turns out the judge wants me to serve but is willing to work with my "disability". I am on the jury list for the next 6 months and have a huge chance of not being called but should I be called and am not feeling well that morning I just call in and they already have my doctor's letter and my letter of explanation so I would be excused. All juries in this Magistrate Court are only there for up to four hours and that's it. So, if I'm called and having a good day that day I will go and everything should be OK. I am thrilled as I would really like to serve.
Have a great weekend - see you on Monday!
Jury Duty?

So, even though I have sent in a letter of explanation along with a letter from my doctor explaining that I cannot serve on a jury and should be permanently excused I have to appear this morning for jury duty as only the judge can excuse me. Whether I feel well enough or not I have to go or there is a fine. I wonder what happens when people legitimately have the flu or some other medical situation. I am, most mornings, able to get around - it just gets worse toward mid or late morning. So far I am OK to get there. Hope it stays that way.
Cartoon provided by: CartonStock.com
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Flying South

Looking into the skies there are so many birds flying south. I am always amazed at their ability to find the same place to go each autumn and spring. The formation in which they fly is absolutely beautiful. Every once in a while there is a straggler; I usually think that that would be me if I were up there. God' creation is awesome.
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Teeth Cleaning

Early appointment this morning at the dentist's to get my teeth cleaned. Always nice - love the way my teeth feel afterward.
Found out yesterday, even though I have sent off written proof, from my doctor, that I cannot serve on a jury I am required to show up anyway as only the judge involved can dismiss me. So, whether I feel able or not I have to be at court Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. Most of the time this is not a real problem even if I am dizzy but I would never be able to concentrate on the case and would probably have to leave the courtroom frequently for short periods due to vertigo or for long breaks if it gets really bad. Anyway, I will go as otherwise I will be in deep do-do. Will let you know what happens.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Glow

This is my favorite part of Balloon Fiesta; all the air balloons lit up in the dark - truly spectacular. John took this photo at about 6:30 a.m. on Sunday before the Grand Ascension. He was stunned to find so many people there when he arrived at 5:30 a.m. People here just love the Fiesta and, obviously, are very supportive. However, it is not just people here but from all over the world; not only to fly air balloons but people come to be a part of this amazing event.
Photo provided by: John
Monday, October 4, 2010
Balloon Fiesta 2010

The Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2010 just started. Here are a couple of photos taken by John yesterday a.m. The first is a couple of air balloons just before dawn - really beautiful. The second is a few of some of the balloons after lift off. This is huge here - people come from all over the world to participate and to appreciate. This is the 39th year. They limit the entries to 500; extraordinary!
Photos provided by: John
Friday, October 1, 2010
Lift Off!
First day of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta is today. John has already left to take photos before he goes to work. This is a huge thing here and worldwide. The largest balloon fiesta in the country - perhaps the world? 500 balloons! Amazing! Some of them are so much fun, like the one in the photo. Hope John gets some good photos this year; if he does I will post some of them.
Have a great weekend - see you Monday!
Photo provided by: John
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