Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the day, each year, we remember those brave men and women who have lost their lives in service to our country. Please remember these courageous Americans and their families today.

Friday, May 28, 2010


We all want to make it to Heaven. We imagine what it might be like. Beautiful, peaceful, incredible worship music. Being face to face with Him. No matter how hard we try to be "good" it is not what He wants or asks for. All He wants is for us to receive the free gift of salvation; believe in His Son and the sacrifice He made for us - dying for our sins so we could be with Him forever. Simple - uncomplicated - awesome.
Joke for the Day: A human resources director found herself at the Pearly Gates. "We've never had a human resources director here before," said St. Peter. "So, we're going to let you spend one day in hell and one day in heaven and then you can choose where you want to spend eternity."
"I'll go to hell first to get it over with," said the HR director.
To her surprise she spent a wonderful day with her former fellow executives, playing golf on a beautiful course. The game was followed by a sumptuous meal in the clubhouse. When she returned to heaven she spent the day there sitting on a cloud playing a harp.
"Have you decided where you would like to spend eternity?" asked St. Peter.
"Yes," she said. "Heaven was great but too boring. I choose hell."
"Okay," said St. Peter, "off you go."
This time when she arrived in hell, she found everything barren and desolate. Confused, she confronted Satan. "Where's the golf course," she asked. "And where are my friends?"
Satan smiled, "Yesterday we were recruiting you; today you're staff."


Over the years, we have heard many people say how boring sermons are in church. Now, I'm sure, that can be true for several reasons: people really aren't listening and so lose track of what their pastor is saying or their hearts just aren't in it or, unfortunately, their minister is just not a great speaker. We, Praise God, are blessed with a minister who is a vibrant speaker. He brings us the message from the Bible sprinkling it with emotion and humor. We love listening to our pastor's sermons - we are some of the lucky ones!
Joke for the Day: During the pastor's sermon, a large plant fell over right behind the pulpit, crashing to the ground. Acknowledging his reputation for long-windedness, the minister smiled sheepishly and said, "Well, that's the first time I actually put a plant to sleep."
Joke provided by: Reader's Digest

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Praying is our way to communicate with God. Sometimes we are talking with Him and sometimes He is talking with us. It is a peaceful and comforting time. We all need to do more of it; well, I need to do more of it.

Joke for the Day: The nice thing about meditation is that it makes doing nothing quite respectable.

Joke provided by: Reader's Digest

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I've always loved coloring books. When I was little I would spend hours coloring pictures, trying to stay inside the lines. Now that I'm older and in a rather interesting situation I've been wondering if I should buy a coloring book and crayons - I always felt happy and calm when coloring as a youngster - I might just try it.

Joke for the Day: I've always been a disappointment. When I was five, I looked down at the crayons I was coloring with and sighed - when I was two, this is not what I saw myself doing when I was five.

Cartoon and joke provided by: Reader's Digest

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Because of the vertigo my days are very unpredictable. Most days I am not able to do much and a couple of days a week (with John when he's off so he's driving) I will go out for an hour or two and do messages: bank, etc... So, the mail has become one of the highlights of my day. You aren't going to believe this but I actually go through the "junk mail" and peruse all the catalogues; I am definitely in bad shape ;0)
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, May 24, 2010

Roxanne's Birthday!


Silly Thoughts

This cartoon got me thinking about how I wish some of my body was "hairless" -- LOL! Or that I only had one chin. Or that everything I have that now droops was svelte again. Or that everytime I go on the computer I wouldn't have to be so very careful not to make myself dizzy. Oh, well - c'est la vie!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, John!!

It's John's birthday today. We went to lunch yesterday at California Pastrami --- he just loves pastrami and hasn't been happy with what he has tried here. Anyway, he loved it! Tonight I am making his most recent favorite so I hope he is a happy camper.
Love you!!!
Birthday Joke for the Day: The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age - Lucille Ball
Joke provided by:

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Home

Congratulations to our daughter, Misha, our son-in-law, Alan, and our granddaughter, Marcelle on their new home. Lots to do before the big move next weekend. Wish we were able to be there to help you --- well, not help you but have fun with the baby.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Our Armed Forces

It's sad, I think, that we hardly ever see stories on the news or the papers about our armed forces. Of course, if something negative occurs it will be the lead story or on the front page. I just thought that we should remember all the brave men and women who are serving our country all over the world, especially those who are in harm's way. To be fair about the media coverage, our little local paper had a great front page article, with lots of photos, of some of our local troops returning from Afghanistan; very touching.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What Do We Really Want?

Not sure how I will feel tomorrow - rough afternoon today. Feeling a bit better for a bit now, just before going to bed so thought I would post now in case I am unable to tomorrow morning.

So, what do we really want in this next election? I'm not sure if anyone really knows. I do know one thing, almost everyone I know is very unhappy with what has been happening in this administration - not just Republicans but also Democrats. So, we have to decide what we really want and vote accordingly -- not party lines, but for what is right for our country. God Bless America!
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Suggestions to our Government

Not that I have any solutions to our financial woes but the cartoon made me laugh and so I thought, maybe, someone out there may actually have some solutions: perhaps we shouldn't budget more than we bring in? perhaps we should ask the American people, by vote, what they would like for their healthcare before instituting something that won't function well (as in other countries who already know this)? Any other ideas out there?????

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I love getting e-mails, FaceBook, reading my daughters' and granddaughters' blogs, and, of course, posting to my blog. I do not have GPS in my car - although have used it in rental cars and am not too thrilled with it. I am definitely not a technophobe but I think you can take things too far.
Our hockey teams are fighting it out. Chicago won against San Jose on Sunday and Montreal was beaten, badly, by Philadelphia. And so it goes...
Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Monday, May 17, 2010


We have pigeons, lots of pigeons, where we live; reminds me of Central Park in New York sometimes. Not happy to have so many pigeons. Very difficult to get rid of; many have tried, succeeded and then--they return. Guess I will have to get used to them.

Love the cartoon. If you really start thinking about what is says it's rather interesting. For example, if we spend time and care into something we attract what we want --- if we put in the minimum work possible...

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Nose

I am obviously French Canadian: large nose, thin lips -- large, uh, in a lot of other places. The nose, however, has always been a strong trait: the hook nose. When younger it really was just large but now as I get older my profile reminds me of some fairy tales, and I don't mean the Princess. But it is who I am and I would never get it "fixed"; if I did, I wouldn't be me any longer. This is how God made me and I really am happy with me. Hope you feel the same way about yourself. We are each unique and special to Him!

Cartoon provided by: Reader's Digest

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Working Hard in the U.S.A.

It has come to my attention, after speaking with a variety of people and reading many articles, that the American Work Ethic is back. Many, many people now, out of necessity, are working two or more jobs or working overtime, if it is available. All of these hardworking people are very thankful that multiple jobs or overtime are open to them. John, for instance, is working overtime virtually everyday plus working half a day on the 6th day - most week's he is working between 13 to 17 overtime hours; we are very thankful to his employer.

Just found out that my Long Term Disability has been denied for the second time. So, now starts the hunt for a suitable LTD insurance attorney and see if they think I have a chance of overturning the denial.

I am no longer able to copy and paste the fun jokes I have been presenting on this blog, however, I will be featuring a cartoon instead.

Cartoon provided by Reader's Digest

Friday, May 14, 2010

How Secure Are We?

So, we all (or the vast majority of us) have our money, that is not invested elsewhere, in our local bank. So many banks have failed in the last couple of years that it is difficult to feel secure with funds in one of them. All we can do is pray that our funds are secure in the bank we have chosen.
Another weekend is upon us - I wish you all have a great one!!
Joke for the Day: The economy is so bad that: if your bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds," you have to call them to ask if they meant you or them.
Joke provided by:

Thursday, May 13, 2010



WOW!!!! All three of our teams have made it into the finals: San Jose (our team) will be playing Chicago (John's team) and Montreal will be playing???? (We don't know yet -- 7th game upcoming). We are very excited -- we have a very good chance of one of our teams winning the Stanley Cup. This is totally unprecedented and fantastic!!!!

Was gone for a few days as our computer had a virus attack -- ended up on phone with Microsoft Techs (they are amazing!!!) for about 8 hours total over 4 days. It finally was determined that we had been attacked by two Trojans masquerading as security system alerts and, in addition, 295 files had been infected. At one point, we couldn't even access the Internet or any files or documents. Anyway, thanks to Microsoft, it seems to be OK.

The above cartoon is our joke of the day. See you tomorrow!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Love this cartoon - it is, of course, also the Joke for the Day.

We all seem to end up like our mothers or fathers. Humans are funny that way. Not a bad thing, really, in most cases.

Hope all mothers out there have a great day. A special "Happy Mother's Day" to Krista and Misha - love you both.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


We all have something in our lives that we don't want others to know about. This is human nature - we are not perfect. There is only One who is perfect; Jesus. These "skeletons in our closets" can hinder our relationship with Him. He is faithful for forgive us if we believe He is the Son of God and confess and repent. Thank you, God, for sending Your Precious Son.
Joke for the Day: An Orthodpedic surgeon was moving to a new office ith the help of his staff. One of the nurses sat the display skeleton in the front seat of her car, a bony arm across the back of her seat.
On the drive across town, she stopped at a traffic light. The stares of the people in the neighboring car compelled her to roll down her window and yell, "I'm delivering him to my doctor's office." The other driver leaned out his window saying, "I hate to tell you this, lady, but I think it's too late!"
Joke provided by:

Thursday, May 6, 2010


So, our situation is a little tight right now. My Short Term Disability ended mid-April so we are living on a little more than half of what we have been used to. My Long Term Disability has been denied and I am appealing that decision. Of course, if I do not succeed I will have to hire a disability attorney. Not looking forward to that.

There are so many people in the same situation. Trying to get the benefits they feel they have been promised by their employers, trying to get Social Security Disability benefits. Some have spouses out of work too. People are just trying to do the best they can to survive, financially. Not so easy.

It was almost 90 degrees yesterday and more of the same to come for the next 4 or 5 days. Time to get the furnace turned off and the evaporative cooling turned on. Kind of a pain in the neck, really. Twice a year one must pay almost $100 to have one turned on and the other turned off. Wish we had central air and heating - one of the things we plan on changing if we can -- costs a lot!

Joke for the Day: Two kids were deciding what game to play. One said, “Let’s play doctor.” “Good idea,” said the other. “You operate, and I’ll sue.”

Joke provided by:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I realize that some of us are blessed more than others. I am very blessed: I have two loving, wonderful daughters, two terrific sons-in-law, three precious granddaughters and, last but definitely not least, my incredible husband, John. We have been through a lot together and through it all he is there, by my side being the best husband I could ever want or need. Things are not easy for him right now: he started a new position recently, his mother has been very ill since Easter and is still not home (hopefully in the next week she will go home), and I, ever dizzy, am a regular pain in the neck. But, because he is who he is, he is there for her, for me, for his brother - for whomever needs him. Thank you, John. I love you and I always will.

Joke for the Day:

Q: What does every woman call an intelligent, attractive, caring, loving and sensitive man?
A: A dream

Joke provided by:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It Could Be Worse

Pondering my situation I realize that things could be a lot worse. A friend of mine from work is also on Medical Leave of Absence. She is only 32 and has filed for Social Security Disability. She and her husband (who has been on unemployment insurance benefits since November - he works in construction) have three children they are raising. So, I am thankful for what we have and know that it could always be worse.

Although it will be over 80 degrees today, there is still snow on all the mountains. It's really beautiful and amazing.

Joke for the Day: It was a disastrous year for the farmers. The snow fell and fell until the government relief agency had to step in and lend a hand. “It must have been terrible,” said the government man to a farmer. “All that snow.” “Could have been worse,” calmly answered the farmer. “My neighbor had more snow than me.” “How’s that?” asked the government man.“More land,” replied the farmer.

Joke provided by:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Stanley Cup Playoffs

John and I are so excited, all three of our teams have made it through to the second round in the Stanley Cup Playoffs: San Jose Sharks, Chicago Blackhawks, and the Montreal Canadiens. We watched hockey all weekend - it was awesome! Let's hope they all make it through the second round.
Joke for the Day: St. Peter and Satan were having an argument one day about hockey. Satan proposed a game to be played on neutral ice between a select team from the heavenly host and his own hand-picked boys. "Very well," said the gatekeeper of Heaven. "But you realize, I hope, that we've got all the good players and the best coaches." "I know, and that's all right," Satan answered unperturbed, "We've got all the referees."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gray Hair

As you get older you get a few gray hairs, then a few more, over the years the gray becomes silver (that's the part I like) and, overall, it looks pretty good. With me, I have a little salt and pepper throughout but the great silver is hidden by darker hair at my temples. The distinguished gentleman with silver temples looks great but mine doesn't show --- time for a new hairstyle that shows my silver?????

Joke for the Day: A young child walked up to her mother and stared at her hair. As mother scrubbed on the dishes, the girl cleared her throat and sweetly asked; "Why do you have some gray strands in your hair?"The mother paused and looked at her daughter. "Every time you disobey, I get one strand of gray hair. If you want me to stay pretty, you better obey."The mother quickly returned to her task of washing dishes. The little girl stood there thinking. She cleared her throat again. "Mother?" She sweetly asked again."Yes?" Her Mother replied. "Why is Grandma's hair all gray?"

Joke provided by: