We all want to make it to Heaven. We imagine what it might be like. Beautiful, peaceful, incredible worship music. Being face to face with Him. No matter how hard we try to be "good" it is not what He wants or asks for. All He wants is for us to receive the free gift of salvation; believe in His Son and the sacrifice He made for us - dying for our sins so we could be with Him forever. Simple - uncomplicated - awesome.
Joke for the Day: A human resources director found herself at the Pearly Gates. "We've never had a human resources director here before," said St. Peter. "So, we're going to let you spend one day in hell and one day in heaven and then you can choose where you want to spend eternity."
"I'll go to hell first to get it over with," said the HR director.
To her surprise she spent a wonderful day with her former fellow executives, playing golf on a beautiful course. The game was followed by a sumptuous meal in the clubhouse. When she returned to heaven she spent the day there sitting on a cloud playing a harp.
"Have you decided where you would like to spend eternity?" asked St. Peter.
"Yes," she said. "Heaven was great but too boring. I choose hell."
"Okay," said St. Peter, "off you go."
This time when she arrived in hell, she found everything barren and desolate. Confused, she confronted Satan. "Where's the golf course," she asked. "And where are my friends?"
Satan smiled, "Yesterday we were recruiting you; today you're staff."